Paper Carry Bags Manufacturer & Supplier, company started as Classy Fash. They found a niche market and brought their product to the forefront at a time when their main competitors were cheap plastic bags. Back then, India didn’t care as much about the environment when it came to plastic bags as it does now. So it was more about selling ideas than selling things.
As the first people in their families to start a business, the founders had many challenges. But things worked out because their educational backgrounds were so different and they were determined to do well. Through a lot of advertising, networking, and recognition of the “Care for Your Environment-Go Green” campaign, paper bags in India got the attention they needed. They gave a solid push to the country-wide ban on plastic bags.
Classy Fash – Manufacturer & Supplier of All Types of Paper Carry Bags
We have a consistent production process for custom printed paper bags and stock paper bags, such as twisted handle Kraft paper carry bags, white Kraft paper carry bags, recycled Kraft paper carry bags, flip side paper carry bags, art paper carry bags, FSC paper bags, and euro tote paper bags.
Our company’s goals are customer satisfaction, a fair price, and excellent service.
Our paper shopper bags are popular in places like wholesale packaging distributors, perfume, clothing, mobile store, boutique brand stores, restaurants, wineries, malls and stores that sell books, cards, stationery, souvenirs, etc.
We are based in Delhi & send our paper carry bags to all over India as per demands of the client. Our aim is to provide eco friendly paper carry bags that will reduce pollution & save our mother earth.
We are always looking for ways to improve, come up with new ideas, and develop our current production system to make it more efficient. Our company is constantly adding new facilities to meet customer needs and keep up with trends and changes in the global packaging industry.